I Like Kids' Games and I Cannot Lie: Embracing Scratch as a Visual Learner's Secret Weapon
Alright, so here's the deal: I'm learning Scratch, the programming language designed for kids. Now, you might be thinking, "Why is this person learning a language meant for children?" Well, I'll tell you why - I'm a visual learner, and the colorful blocks and shapes in Scratch really help me visualize the code and understand the logic behind it.
Don't get me wrong, I've dabbled in JS, Python, and I'm even learning C and Ruby right now. But Scratch is still my ride or die. It's like a virtual puzzle game, and I can actually see what's going on with each block of code. It's like a superhero cape that I can put on whenever I need to tackle a coding challenge.
Some people might make fun of me and say that I'm not really coding if I'm using Scratch, but I don't care. Scratch helps me level up my coding game, and that's all that matters. So yeah, Scratch may be made for kids, but it's also perfect for those of us who need a little extra help visualizing code. It's like putting together a puzzle, but in a virtual space.
So there you have it - Scratch is my go-to language, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Sure, it may not be the most popular language out there, but for me, it's the one that really clicks. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to teach kids how to code using Scratch, just like it was taught to me.