From Problem-Solving Insight to Articulating Solutions

In today's coding journey, I encountered an intriguing phenomenon. Confronted with a Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) challenge, I swiftly devised a solution in my mind, showcasing a significant improvement in my problem-solving skills. However, the jubilation was tempered by a perplexing realization – the struggle to translate this mental solution into English, let alone express it in any programming language, or even pseudo code.

This dual experience left me with conflicting emotions. On one hand, a sense of pride swelled within me, signaling the progress in my ability to decipher and tackle complex problems. On the other hand, a question lingered – why the considerable gap between conceptualizing an idea and articulating it effectively, even in a human language as English?

As I reflect on this dilemma, I find myself at a crossroads, wondering about the next steps to take. How can one bridge this gap between ideation and expression, not just in code but also in the broader context of effective communication?