Embracing Emotional Catharsis: Crying Hard and Napping My Way Through Tough News

Alright, so today was one of those days when life decided to throw a curveball at me, and it hit me hard. You know, the kind of news you dread and prepare for, but it still knocks the wind out of you. Ugh, it felt like a gut punch.

Usually, my go-to move in these situations is to become the grandmaster of avoiding emotions. Yup, I'm the ostrich. Whenever something tough happened, especially during that pandemic craziness, I'd dive headfirst into work and pretend emotions didn't exist. My master plan: wait for the situation to get better, and my emotional turmoil would magically vanish. Yeah, right!

But today, my amazing friends had a little intervention. They showed me the light and reminded me that dealing with emotions is just as vital as tackling the problems themselves. So, I decided to give their advice a shot. Instead of hiding in my work cocoon, I embraced the emotional rollercoaster. I cried like there was no tomorrow and, you know what? It was surprisingly cathartic.

I even took it up a notch and treated myself to a much-needed nap. Not gonna lie, I am still in a bit of a mess but dealing with my emotions is much better than not. I think I might repeat this whole "crying hard and napping" routine tomorrow. But deep down, I know I will be ok as long as I have people who care about and love me.