Embracing Collective Wisdom: A Journey towards Efficient Problem-Solving

For an extended period, I adhered to the notion that authentic problem-solving mandated solitary struggles – a process where I would navigate challenges independently, eschewing external aid or research. I obstinately refused help, needlessly subjecting myself to slow and arduous learning. It wasn't until a sagacious individual imparted the wisdom that "many problems have been solved before, and learning from others can significantly enhance one's problem-solving skills" that a profound revelation transpired. A metaphorical penny dropped, and I experienced a transformative epiphany: akin to constructing anything requiring foundational tools, problem-solving, as a creative endeavor, becomes exponentially more efficient and effective when we refrain from insistently trying to reinvent the wheel.

A shift occurred when I opened myself to the idea that seeking help and drawing from the collective knowledge pool could significantly expedite my problem-solving skills. This shift in perspective brought to light the fallacy of my previous approach. Problem-solving is not solely about the struggle and solitary triumph but is deeply intertwined with the ability to leverage existing knowledge and solutions. The analogy of reinventing the wheel became a powerful reminder that certain problems have already found solutions, and attempting to start from scratch is not a testament to prowess but an unnecessary hurdle.